Ember.js learning resources and libraries
We ran the first Vancouver Ember.js meetup last night and it was fun to hear from other developers in town developing applications using the great framework. We very much treated the evening as a pre-first event to understand what we'll do in the future meetups. Thanks to FullStack for letting us use their offices.
As we got talking we thought it best to share where and what we've been using to build our applications. And also collect learning resources for the new developers in the room.
Here's a quick link dump of what we all found useful. Please add a comment if you are using something that we missed.
It's worth mentioning that a couple of people mentioned to not read or watch anything that was not written this year or even since 6 months ago as it being out of date will confuse you.
Learning #
- Official Ember guides
- Ember 101 - Ember screencasts from Ryan Florence
- Tuts+ learning course
- Embercasts - Screencasts including some neat ones on handling authentication
- Discourse - An open source platform for discussion built with Ember and Rails
- Peepcode Screencast - Some people had found this screencast a bit difficult to relate to a real web application that involved an API, I myself found it useful.
News #
- Ember weekly - A weekly newsletter of ember news, tips & code
- Ember watch
Tools / Libraries #
- ember-auth rails gem - Authentication framework for ember.js
- ember-rails - A rails gem to help add Ember and manage templates for Rails. Will also add ActiveModel::Serializer for integration with Ember Data
- ember-app-kit - A foundation library to help scaffold and manage the layout for ambitious applications
- ember-tools - Another helper to manage project layout, scaffolding for learning, etc.
- Fortune.js - A node.js api prototyping library to help get up a backend api for development
- ember-json-api - A JSON API adapter for Ember Data
- Ember chrome inspector - A must have tool for development
If you're interested in Ember and in Vancouver, we are going to meet regularly to share and build on one another's experiences, so come along, even if you just want to start learn Ember.